Age of Ultron Secretly Introduced the Multiverse
In the years following the release of 2015's Avengers: Age of Ultron , the ensemble film, which pitted the Avengers against a homicidal super bot voiced by James Spader, rarely found itself towards the top of MCU fan film rankings. However, in the wake of films like Avengers: Infinity War , Endgame , as well as series like WandaVision , fans have developed a newfound appreciation for the Avengers' second film. While fans have varying opinions on certain elements of the story and its execution, Age of Ultron contains a number of key character moments that MCU films and Disney+ series continue to glean from, including Elizabeth Olsen's WandaVision on Disney+. ADVERTISEMENT Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness looks to continue that trend, particularly in regard to Wanda Maximoff's role. And now, a new theory suggests that following this Doctor Strange sequel, once again, fans will view Age of Ultron in a whole new way. How the...